Michael Kliebenstein | Publishing

Wheelbase – Dark Dealings in The Classic Car World

By Michael Kliebenstein

Wheelbase is a high-octane thriller set in the fantastically opulent world of top-echelon collectable cars. Author Michael Kliebenstein uses his real-life experience of the classic car business to immerse readers in a high-stakes story of multi-million dollar deals, rivals, scammers, gangsters, and more. Classic car trader Mike Chapman is on the verge of closing a £70 million deal – but only if he and his business partner Rick can survive long enough to sell a long-forgotten collection of exotic Italian sports cars. Unbeknownst to them, one of the cars is hiding something ugly, something dangerous: a link to a powerful European network of organised crime. Suddenly, late payments, cloned cars and timewasters are the least of their problems, and what looked like a straightforward sale becomes a fight for their lives. Can Mike’s grit, his friends, and his expertise prevent him from falling victim to his shrouded foes? And can he prop up his business, and bring the collection home, to secure the most significant trade of his career?

About Michael Kliebenstein

Michael Kliebenstein is an award-winning author and classic car specialist. Leveraging over 45 years of automotive experience, he travels the world to find the ultimate in historic cars for collectors, museums, and other car-related companies. Many of his experiences and discoveries serve as the basis for his articles and books, including the outstanding SuperFinds (published by Porter Press International), a truly unique work that explores significant and remarkable car finds from the 1960s and 1970s. Kliebenstein, who has been involved with cars since he was old enough to hold a Matchbox model, is also a collector, restorer, racer, photographer, advisor, and marketing expert. Above all, he is a true classic car enthusiast and has a driving passion for collectors’ cars in their untouched original condition and form.

MOTORWORLD Buchpreisverleihung 2021
Fotos: Goran Gajanin, www.daskraftbild.com

SuperFinds (Out of stock)

CLASSIC RACE AND SPORTS CARS by Michael Kliebenstein

This book is unique. It is a compendium of wonderful automotive treasure, as discovered. With the passage of time all cars became worthless and unloved, no matter how eminent. Racing cars inevitably became uncompetitive and redundant. Many vehicles passed into scrapyards, the motoring equivalent of a cemetery, or simply rotted away.

Today, of course, we value, covet and preserve the work of great designers, engineers and coachbuilders, and their creations give enormous pleasure to many, whether it be in ownership, driving, competing or simply as historic objects to be admired when on display. All will have a story – sometimes sad, sometimes heroic.

Many of the more esoteric car companies produced machines that were not only engineering masterpieces but also great works of art.

Italian Corrado Cupellini was a pioneer in the developing old car movement in the 1960s and ’70s. He had a mission: to explore, discover and rescue motor cars of merit before it was too late. He roved the world following his passion and this extraordinary book is a photographic record of his astounding journey of discovery.

  • Famous coachbuilders featured include Pinin Farina, Zagato, Touring, Vignale, Saoutchik and Bertone.
  • Grand Prix cars, sports racers, Formula 2 cars, CanAm cars, Formula Junior single-seaters and more.
  • Legendary racers including several ‘Birdcage’ Maseratis, a Matra Le Mans car, Ferrari Testa Rossa…
  • Cars formerly owned by Nuvolari, Chiron and Fangio.
  • Porsche racers including examples of 917, 906, 718 RSK ‘Mittellenker’, 910, 904, 550 RSK Spyder, 911 RS, 910/8 ‘Bergspyder’, RS 60…
  • Unique cars, prototypes, specials and unidentified vehicles, race team transporters, crashed cars and pedal cars.

SuperFinds was selected Book of the Year 2020 by Milano AUTOCLASSICA Classic Car Show in Milano.

Also available as ART-EDITION OF FIFTY COPIES NUMBERED AND SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR in SuperSizeFormat from CC-Kunst in Germany

About Michael Kliebenstein

Michael Kliebenstein is an award-winning author and classic car specialist. Leveraging over 45 years of automotive experience, he travels the world to find the ultimate in historic cars for collectors, museums, and other car-related companies. Many of his experiences and discoveries serve as the basis for his articles and books, including the outstanding SuperFinds (published by Porter Press International), a truly unique work that explores significant and remarkable car finds from the 1960s and 1970s. Kliebenstein, who has been involved with cars since he was old enough to hold a Matchbox model, is also a collector, restorer, racer, photographer, advisor, and marketing expert. Above all, he is a true classic car enthusiast and has a driving passion for collectors’ cars in their untouched original condition and form.

AMAZING WORLD of Classic Cars

The Amazing World of Classic Cars takes a look behind the scenes of the magnificent and nostalgic world of classic cars with images of outstanding photographic quality.

Printed on high quality paper, the pictures seem to pop right off the page, immersing the reader in the fascinating world of classic automobiles. In it, Michael Kliebenstein takes a playful look at some of the world’s rarest and most expensive vintage cars, allowing the reader to share both the passion of driving them as well as the adventure of looking for and discovering hidden automotive treasures, often in the most unlikely places.

KLASSISCHE COCKPITS | passion behind the wheel

Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein mit Co-Autor Steve Natale

Faszination und Nostalgie pur: „Leidenschaft am Steuer“ gibt spannende Einblicke in die Cockpits von Oldtimern des 20. Jahrhunderts. In diesem Buch geht es auch um leidenschaftliche Oldtimerfahrer und die große Herausforderung, alte Schätze an verborgenen Orten aufzuspüren.

ISBN 978-3667-11239-2

Rezension von Jürgen Lewandowski in der Bücherecke in der Motorworld.

Press report from Garagestylemagazine.com

Wirtschaftsstandort Freistaat Bayern

Michael Kliebenstein ist Mit-Initiator und Co-Autor des Buchprojekts Wirtschaftsstandort Freistaat Bayern

Der Freistaat Bayern zählt als Wirtschaftsstandort zu den führenden Adressen in Europa. Dass jedoch innerhalb dessen insbesondere die Region Niederbayern durch zahlreiche Standortvorzüge zu punkten vermag, wurde der Öffentlichkeit seit der Gründung des Niederbayern Forums e.V., vor allem durch dessen Regionalmarketing-Beauftragten Michael Kliebenstein (2011 bis 2015), vor Augen geführt.

Das „who is who“ der niederbayerischen Energiewirtschaft

Nachschlagekompendium für die niederbayerische Energiewirtschaft im Rahmen der Energiewende. Behandelt werden die Bereiche Energieerzeugung und -verteilung, Forschungs-, Bildungs- und Informationseinrichtungen, Erneuerbare Energien, Energiespeicher, E-Mobilität und Smart Energy.
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

IT-Kompetenz-Atlas für Niederbayern
Magazin, Periodika

Das „who is who“ der regionalen IT-Dienstleister – ein Kooperations-Projekt des Niederbayern-Forum e.V. und der IHK Niederbayern.
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

Glas-Atlas für Niederbayern

Das „who is who“ der regionalen Glasindustrie – ein Kooperations-Projekt des Niederbayern-Forum e.V. und der IHK Niederbayern.
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

mehr >

Welcome to Lower Bavaria

Eine zweisprachige Standortinformationsbroschüre für Fach- und Führungskräfte, die sich in Niederbayern ansiedeln möchten.
Das Medium wurde für alle niederbayerischen Unternehmen individualisierbar gestaltet.
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

IT-Region Niederbayern
Magazin, Periodika

Plattform als Print und Web, präsentiert auf der CeBit 2009 von Michael Kliebenstein. Eine Kooperation des Regionalmarketing Niederbayern mit der IHK Niederbayern.
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

Willkommen in Niederbayern

Informationsbroschüre unter dem Motto „Besser leben in Niederbayern“ für Fach- und Führungskräfte in Niederbayern 2010.

Projektleitung und Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

Regionalmarketing Niederbayern

Neue Formen des nachhaltigen Regionalmarketings.
New forms of regional marketing and development.
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

Logistik-Region Niederbayern
Magazin, Periodika

Ein Kooperations-Projekt des Regionalmarketing Niederbayern mit der IHK Niederbayern, iniziiert und umgesetzt vom Regionalmarketing-Beauftragten Michael Kliebenstein (2011 – 2015).
Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

Standortbroschüre Stadt Landshut

Projekt zur Stärkung des Wirtschaftsstandortes Landshut unter Berücksichtigung der sehr positiven Wirtschaftsdaten und Rankings.

Konzeption, Text und Umsetzung von Michael Kliebenstein im Auftrag der Stadt Landshut, 2008. Herausgeber Michael Kliebenstein

Standortbroschüre (PDF)

Vorab-Auflage für Verlags-Aquise,
Autorenschaft und Verleger,
Konzept und Fotografie

Digitaldrucke, Buchbinderarbeit, ledergebunden mit Goldprägung, in Kassette, Auflage 1, 354 Seiten, 35 x 30 cm,